Pub Choir’s Christmas Fundraising EXTRAVAGANZA – 19th December 2019
All photos by James Morrison
Boy & Bear – Suck On Light
What We're Listening To
Australia's Boy & Bear released their fourth studio album Suck On Light in October this year, after a four year break since their previous release.
Liam Gallagher – 6th December 2019
All photos by Claudia Ciapocha
City And Colour – A Pill For Loneliness
What We're Listening To
Over the course of five studio albums, Green has compiled a canon ripe with songs amassing a legion of fans worldwide. With this 6th full-length album, Green siphons serenity from stress…
Two Door Cinema Club
All photos by Vincent Shaw
Tia Gostelow – Thick Skin
What We're Listening To
It sounds like someone may have crossed Tia Gostelow in the past, and we certainly wouldn't wanna be them as she releases her debut album with 11 beautifully articulated, moody bops.